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Public Intelligence

LIVE Reports w/ Addy Adds, Your Citizen Journalist.

Parroting the geopolitical current event blurbs no longer cuts it. As an informed citizen, a deeper analysis through multiple lenses is what is needed in the world today. Censorship of ideas has not been as oppressive as it is now since before the Second World War. The overlapping of intelligence agencies that happened during the war affects us all today, particularly through their influence on corporate media and the subsequent loss of trust in the now-collapsing legacy media sphere. In response, Addy Adds details the novel and blossoming world of Public Intelligence. A term he coined and defines as information analyzed, synthesized and disseminated with the goal of uncovering an objective truth. Join Addy as he relays and analyzes geopolitical happenings, past and present, to help the viewer make sense of what is happening in the world. 


Addy Adds is a writer, interviewer, reporter and public intelligence analyst from the American Midwest whose work has been featured on The Gateway Pundit and Unlimited Hangout. For his work on ballot trafficking in Atlanta he was featured on The Gateway Pundit and his work on Jeffrey Epstein has also been featured on Unlimited Hangout. His “Public Intelligence” podcast can be found everywhere that podcasts can be listened to. He has had 5 different channels terminated by YouTube for his work in public intel and also been kicked off of LinkTree.

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