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Chinese Scientists Are 3D Printing Ears and Livers – With Living Tissue – Global News Update with Mr. & Mrs. Beckmann

Chinese Scientists Are 3D Printing Ears and Livers – With Living Tissue

Researchers in China have been able to successfully print human organs using specialized 3D printers that use living cells instead of plastic.

According to Xu, the Regenovo can print in a sterilized environment with temperatures ranging between 23 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Perhaps the biggest triumph of the Regenovo 3D printer is that it can apparently complete its task in a very delicate manner – the cell damage rate is extremely low, with about 90 percent of the printed tissue cells surviving the process. Xu also claims that printed organs have been kept alive in the lab for up to four months.

Xu admits that the science fiction-inspired body part printer is still in its infancy, with much fine-tuning needed to realize the Regenovo’s full potential.

Global News Update with Mr. and Mrs. Beckmann

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Article source used in the video and above excerpt are reported by Quigley, J.T. (2013, August 13). Chinese Scientists Are 3D Printing Ears and Livers – With Living Tissue. The Diplomat
Image by julos on Freepik

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